I opened my hand and the piece was full.

(Michalis made this)
"What kind of world is this?", asked myself. "Even motherfucking supernatural incidents tell me that there is at least one person who wants my misery". I was shocked. And then i decided to fight the world w/ NOISE! So, this is a call for all of you who feel desperate, helpless, deceived, lost, disgusted, fucked to record your hopeless scream (or probably not only) and submit it to the upcoming Phase! Records Net Junk compilation, under the title "An Urgent Cry for a Better World: Not for Hippies". We're not mourning a dead beloved, so please try to keep it short. 2-3 minutes sound ideal.
Mail me your MP3s (320 kbps preferred) to phasemag-at-yahoo---com.
You can make the world better by letting your cry be heard.
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